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Cybersecurity in Communication Technologies

Degree awarded
Bachelor's of Engineering Degree Programme

University of Telecommunications and Post (UTP), 1 Akad. Stefan Mladenov Street, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria

+359 888793781

E-mail address

Type of course
Full-time / Distance learning

Language of tuition

Length of course
4 years (2 semesters - per year)

Application deadline
1st August

Admission assessments

Admission decisions
Early September


Date of commencement
End of September

Cost / fees
The annual tuition fee of 2800 EUR may be paid in one or two equal instalments of 2741.62 BGN (at the beginning of each academic year or at the beginning of every semester) but not later than two weeks after the beginning of the semester.

Tuition fee payment

Dormitory Application: Students who would like to use UTP dormitories file their dormitory application forms in September. Dormitories will be used at full capacity to accommodate students’ needs.

General information: The student’s dormitories offer accommodation organized in double rooms. Single rooms are not available. The monthly price is about 100-120 EUR (approx. 200-240 BGN) which include the payments for utilities such as water, central heating and electricity. Internet is not provided in the rooms, but each student may arrange it by picking up an Internet provider by choice. Sofia 1700, Studentski Grad, block 30, block 32

Admission requirements
• Candidates from all countries are eligible to apply.
• Candidates must have completed their secondary education till application deadline.
Admission of foreign students from non EU and EEA countries is ranked on the student's performance record.

1. The grades in Mathematics and another elective from their secondary education diploma must exceed 62% of the maximum grade, according to the grade assessment system of his/her home country.

For example:
- Average grade in Mathematics: 60/100
- Average rating in Geography: 70/100
- Average rating in Mathematics and Geography: 65/100

2. Submission deadline is August 31th of the current academic year.

3. Candidate must certify that they are fluent in English by presenting a document of having a minimum B2 level of English language fluency according to the Common European Language Framework, issued by a high school in Bulgaria, or by another internationally recognized certificate or to pass an English language exam certifying CEFR B2 level equivalent or higher
*This condition does not apply to prospective students from countries where English is the official language.

Head of Department
Assoc.Prof. Eng. Ivaylo Chenchev, PhD
Email: chenchev(at)

Contact details for application
Milena Penkova, PhD
Email: m.penkova(at)
University of Telecommunications and Post (UTP), 1 Akad. Stefan Mladenov Street, 1700 Sofia, Bulgaria
Tel: +359 (2) 86 21 034

University of Telecommunications and Post

Bachelor’s of Engineering in Cybersecurity in Communication Technologies

Cybersecurity in Communication Technologies is one of the most prominent bachelor degree programs offered by the University of Telecommunications and Post. It is so appealing to the students that it always enjoys some of the highest rates of interest ranked by the submitted student’s applications every year. It helps the qualification of our graduates and improves their future eligibility for some of the most attractive and well-positioned jobs on the labour market worldwide.

The program concentrates on the training of their agile and adaptive skills in a fast-changing environment full of intellectual challenges.

Candidates can apply for a full-time or correspondent course of study, both of which last eight semesters completed in four years.

The course’s basics rely on theoretical knowledge and cyber protection practical skills combination which helps for better understanding of the principles of the communication systems process, web-based innovative solutions implementation, and high technologies based decision making.

The curriculum complies with the highest cybersecurity education international standards, thus providing the students with a variety of useful professional knowledge in areas like planning, auditing, data security maintenance and communication networks server and cloud based information storage.

During the process of education the students are provided with the latest and most modern learning materials which are used within an IT infrastructure that include top-class laboratories and best equipped computer simulators. The future experts are divided in a role play game teams and learn how to launch, fight off, repel and investigate cyber-attacks. Therefore, our graduates don’t need any additional in-house training once they start working because the level of competence they gain during their stay at the university is high enough to take on the challenge to manage real-life situations directly.

The successful completion of the course helps the students to develop not just basic skills but also encourages them to creative thinking, self-starting habits, and the ability to take individual decisions while being put under pressure.

Thinking “outside the box” and pursuing nonconventional solutions are essential skills for being a successful expert in cybersecurity business since these experts have to deal with constantly evolving and ever changing threats. Acknowledging this fact, we award bald-thinking students no matter how they demonstrate such a performance - in their assignments work, practical exercises, or during the simulation role-plays.

Our four year course consists of subjects like Engineering and Mathematics, Data Bases Knowledge, Operational systems Basics, Network Protocols, Law, Economics, Computer Architecture Buildup, Cryptography Basics, Linux Administration, IT Project Management, Web Based Applications, Object Oriented Design, Cloud Technologies, Software Architecture, Artificial Intelligence, Hackers’ Attacks Detection and Response, and many others.

Key skills our graduates develop at the end of the four years of study at our university are the ability to configure and administrate operational computer systems, to manage software applications and databases, to maintain computer networks, to detect software systems break-ins, to manage information security systems and many others.

The program’s graduates often take well paid top jobs with remuneration packages that are times higher than the average local income. They are usually employed by companies developing hi-tech solutions but are also welcome in the information and security departments of financial institutions or state agencies and government institutions. Their skills to investigate the origin of cyber-attacks frequently lead them to a career in cyber forensics structures.

The University of Telecommunications and Posts takes pride in the partnerships we have established with some of the most prosperous companies in the IT industry like DXC technologies, Atos, Hill Stone, F-secure, Siemens and many others. They allow us to provide our students with fully qualified experts’ teaching done by professionals working in the corporate sector who pass their real-life experience, offer additional mentoring, and often act as talent scouts for potential internship programs at the companies they come from or even directly offer job positions and a start of a career to the students even before their graduation.

Our graduates are perfectly prepared to rank high in the corporate sector or pursue a career in teaching and science. Our diploma is going to be a well-received admission pass for a well-paid job in every European Union country!

Other Programmes offered by University of Telecommunications and Post
Procedure for application and admission of foreign students to UTP:

1. Diploma for completed secondary education.

2. Appendix to the diploma for completed secondary education. In case the diploma is not accompanied by an assessment scale, from which the maximum grade is visible, the candidate must present an official document in which it is described.

3. A document issued by a competent authority certifying the right of the applicant to continue his / her education in the higher schools in the country where the secondary education was received. This document can be issued by the school where the secondary education was completed. It must contain the text: "The education obtained entitles the person to continue his / her education in higher education institutions in ... (country of the school).

4. Photocopy of passport / ID card.

5. Application.

6. Passport photos size 4.5 / 3.5 cm. - 6 pcs.

The documents referred to in points 1, 2 and 3 shall be:

• notarized copies;
• certified according to international requirements:
- for the countries with which Bulgaria has a contract for mutual legal assistance, which concerns the certification of documents, the requirements of the contract apply;
- for the member states of the Hague Convention the documents are certified with the Apostille stamp;
- for all other countries the specified documents must be certified by the Ministry of Education (and / or the Ministry of Health), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the country where the applicant is from and the consulate of the Republic of Bulgaria in the respective country.
• translated into Bulgarian with legalized translation in Bulgaria. The translated documents should be sent for certification of the translator's signature to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1. The candidate-student sends scanned copies of the documents to the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of education and accreditation" of UTP to the address for preliminary examination. All pages of documents, including stamps, are scanned.

2. An employee of the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation" of UTP gets acquainted with the documents and contacts the candidate.

3. After approval of the documents by the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation" of VUTP the applicant prepares the whole package of documents and sends them by mail in original to the address:

Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation"
Acad. Stefan Mladenov "1, Higher School of Telecommunications and Post
Sofia 1700

4. After receiving the original documents, an employee of the Directorate "Educational Activity, Quality of Training and Accreditation" of UTP submits the documents for approval to the Ministry of Education and Science. The term for reviewing the documents and receiving a response from the Ministry of Education and Science is from two weeks to one month.

4.1. In case of a positive resolution of the application, the Ministry of Education and Science issues a certificate required when applying for a type D visa

4.2. In case omissions in the documents of the candidate-student are found in the Ministry of Education and Science, an official letter is received at the UTP, motivating the refusal to issue a certificate. When the omissions concern the lack of a certain document or incorrect certifications, the candidate-student has the opportunity to correct his / her documents and submit them for reconsideration even after the expiration of the application period.

5. After receiving the approval from the Ministry of Education and Science, an employee of the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation" of UTP issues and signs a certificate confirming that the candidate has been accepted for training in the chosen specialty.

6. An employee of the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation" of UTP sends to the applicant in original the following documents, necessary for the applicant when submitting an application for visa type D:

• Certificate from the Ministry of Education and Science;
• Certificate from the Directorate "Educational activity, quality of training and accreditation" of UTP

7. The candidate-student submits a personal application for issuance of type D visa in the diplomatic or consular missions of the Republic of Bulgaria in his own country.

8. The candidate-student pays a tuition fee to the following bank account:

БНБ (Bulgarian National Bank)
IBAN: BG41 BNBG 9661 3100 1227 01
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The admission of foreign students from non-EU and EEA countries is determined by the student's documents.

The candidate-student must meet the following requirements:

1. The grades in Mathematics and another elective subject from the secondary education diploma must exceed 62% of the maximum grade, compared to the assessment system in the country where the secondary education diploma was obtained.

For example:
Average grade in Mathematics: 60/100
Average rating by Geography: 70/100
Average rating in Mathematics and Geography: 65/100

2. The documents of the candidate-student must be submitted before September 30 of the respective academic year.

3. The candidate-student must certify that he/she is fluent in the Bulgarian language* through: A document of proficiency in the Bulgarian language (or the relevant foreign language for programs with foreign language teaching) at level B2 according to the Common European Language Framework, issued by a higher school in R Bulgaria, or another internationally recognized certificate of proficiency in the relevant foreign language - for candidates who will not take a language and specialized training course.


• To pass an Bulgarian language exam certifying level B2
• To pass an English language exam certifying level B2
* This condition does not apply to prospective students from countries where English is the official language.