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Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
University of Strathclyde

Address Department of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, University of Strathclyde, 100 Montrose Street, Glasgow G4 0LZ, United Kingdom
Tel. No. +44 (0) 141 548 3308/4096
Fax No. +44 (0) 141 552 2879
Programmes MSc/PGDip in Marine Technology
MSc/PGDip in Marine Engineering
MSc/PGDip in Technical Management of Ship Operations
MPhil, PhD

The University

The evolution of the University of Strathclyde is complex. It began in 1796 when John Anderson, Professor of Natural Philosophy at Glasgow University, left in his will instructions for “a place of useful learning”, a university open to everyone. His vision was realised and Anderson's University opened its first premises in High Street, Glasgow, in late 1796. It moved to George Street and developed rapidly throughout the nineteenth century. By the 1890s, Anderson's University had become a major technological institution with a wide reputation for research and learning.

Rapid expansion meant money was needed for a new building. A successful fund raising campaign by the governors of the time - stalwarts of Victorian Glasgow - resulted in the construction of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College Building (now the Royal College Building) in George Street. When it opened in 1910, this was the largest building in Europe dedicated to technical education. Shortly afterwards, the institution was renamed the Royal Technical College.

During the next 50 years, the College consolidated its reputation in technical education and research. It was known for producing some of the best scientists and engineers of its time. In the late 50s and early 60s the institution wanted to broaden its activities. The College merged with the Scottish College of Commerce, which offered a wide range of business and arts subjects. Shortly afterwards, in 1964, the enlarged Royal College was granted the Royal Charter and became the University of Strathclyde. Since its foundations over 200 years ago, the University has evolved and expanded, while remaining true to the vision of its founder - to be a place of useful learning for all.

Teaching in Naval Architecture started in Anderson’s University in 1882, principally for part-time study. Full-time courses were offered once the Royal College became the University of Strathclyde. The department was renamed Ship and Marine Technology in the 1970’s and celebrated its centenary in 1982.

Today, the University of Strathclyde is amongst the UK's leading Universities with international reputations for teaching and research and important roles in the cultural and commercial life of the Glasgow, Scotland and the UK.

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