The European Education Directory

University of Glasgow
School of Education

About the University

Glasgow University is one of the oldest and largest universities in the UK offering study in a wide range of subjects. It has over 14,000 students studying in its eight Faculties. The University's main building, which was designed by Sr. George Gilbert Scott, sits on a hill overlooking Kelvingrove Park. The present site is the third for the University during more than five centuries of existence. Founded in 1451 by Papal Bull, classes were first held in the Chapter House of Glasgow Cathedral. The University has excellent facilities such as a world-class library, modern computing equipment and extensive recreational amenities. The study of Education in the University began over 100 years ago with the admission of 24 students into the undergraduate Education class. More recently, Education has also been studied at postgraduate level and there are now over 150 matriculated students.

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