The European Education Directory

Bournemouth University
School of Tourism

Address Admissions Administrator
School of Tourism
Talbot Campus, Poole, Dorset BH12 5BB, UK
Tel. No. +44 (0) 1202 595603
Fax No. +44 (0) 1202 515707

About the School

The service sector, where the consumer experience, rather than the physical product, is the key driver of value and profit, has become the dominant force for international trade and economic growth in developed countries around the world.

The focus of the School of Services Management at Bournemouth University is the management of performance to create exceptional customer experience. Mere products and services are no longer sufficient; today's customers expect memorable experiences that add value to their lives. Managers in this new experience economy require a complex and diverse range of skills to harness human, physical and financial resources to deliver exceptional performance.

The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education visited the University in 2001 to conduct Subject Reviews in, amongst others, the area of Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation, Sport and Tourism. The School's provision in this area was judged to be excellent.

The School has close links with its related industries, as demonstrated by its sponsored posts, including the Barclays Fellowship in Retail Marketing. These links, and many others with industry and professional bodies such as the Hotel and Catering International Management Association and the World Tourism Organisation, ensure that programmes are kept up-to-date with the needs of the industries they serve. Consequently, employment and career advancement prospects for our students are amongst the best from any UK University, with many firms actively seeking opportunities to recruit students from the School.

The School also benefits greatly from its location. Less than 2 hours from London, Bournemouth and nearby Poole have some of the best beaches in the UK and are centres for both business and entertainment. As well as the social and recreational benefits of studying at Bournemouth, its position as a premier UK resort gives excellent opportunities for live case studies in all our subject areas - opportunities that are utilised to the full in our teaching.

Postgraduate studies in the School are specifically designed for graduates and those with appropriate experience to specialise in a particular area with a view to seeking employment in that field. The programmes offered by the Services Management Graduate School reflect the depth and breadth of academic expertise in the School, particularly that provided by the staff of the International Centre for Tourism and Hospitality Research, one of the world's largest and most dynamic postgraduate tourism research centres. It is recognised as a leading research body by international agencies such as the WTO and its staff have undertaken many research contacts for national governments.

At the last count, postgraduate students from over 70 different countries have studied here, and our alumni now work in all branches and at all levels within tourism, hospitality and other consumer experience oriented businesses throughout the world.

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