The European Education Directory

Lesya Ukrainka
Volyn State University

Rector Professor Olekseyuk Ivan Dmytrovych
Address Volya avenue, 13 Lutsk 43000, Ukraine
Tel. No. +380 3322 40018
Fax No. +380 3322 41007
E-mail address
Faculties & Institutes
  • Faculty of Mathematics
  • Faculty of Physics
  • Faculty of Chemistry
  • Faculty of Biology
  • Faculty of Geography
  • Faculty of International Relations
  • Faculty of Economics
  • Faculty of Law
  • Faculty of History
  • Faculty of Ukrainian Language and Literature
  • Slavonic Philology Faculty
  • Faculty of the Romance-Germanic Philology
  • Pedagogical Faculty
  • Faculty of Pre-university Youth Training
  • Faculty of Continuing Education
  • Institute of Social Sciences
  • Institute of Health and Physical Training
  • Institute of Art
  • Type of courses Full-time
    Length of courses 5 years
    Date of commencement 1 September each year
    Class size 25 persons
    Accommodation Not local students are accommodated in one of the six university hostels. The dwelling space equals to 9.63 square metres per student. Each hostel has a canteen, a cafe or a snack-bar.
    Fees 200 USD per term
    Financial assistance Soros student stipends (the programme of supporting education in the field of exact sciences), the programme "The Act of Supporting Freedom".
    Student profile 1. 0,11% of foreigners study at the University
    2. 63,1% - of female and 36,9% - of male sex
    3. Age range - 17 to 25
    Admission requirements The training of foreign citizens is carried out due to the Ukrainian law "On the Legal Status of Foreigners", the resolution of the Ukrainian Cabinet of Ministers "On the Teaching of Foreign Citizens in Ukraine" dated by February 26, 1993, ? 136. Those foreigners of Ukrainian origin who were recommended by officially registered Ukrainian national-cultural societies have equal rights with Ukrainian citizens while entering the University in specialities '"Ukrainian Language and Literature" and "Art and History". While entering the University in all other specialities foreigners of Ukrainian origin have the same rights as the sitizens of Ukraine if they:
  • have the school-leaving certificate with honours;
  • were participants of international and prize-winners of state olympiads in general educational subjects, the examination in which is chosen by the university to be profile while entering this speciality.

  • All the applicants have equal rights despite their sex, race, nationality, social and property status, character of occupation, their outlook, religion, place of residence and other circumstances
    Contact for application Olekseyuk Ivan Dmytrovych

    About the University

    The history of Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University started in 1940 when the Teachers' Training Institute was founded which in 1951 was reorganized into the Pedagogical Institute. In 1952 the Institute was named after Lesya Ukrainka. In 1993 according to the Degree of President of Ukraine on the basis of Lutsk Pedagogical Institute Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University was established, subordinated to the Ministry of Education. In the process of university vital activity the authorities of the university constantly take care of successful combination of educational process with research work, thus stimulating professional improvement of the teachers' staff and creating the students' needs for self-expression, logical thinking, the wish to reach the source of scientific truth. The University long-term plan subjects combines fundamental themes with applied ones, which is aimed at solving the problems of theory and practice.

    Scientific Symposia "Common roots - common future", "Our wonderful Kin", "European Region Bug - problems and perspectives" and constantly functioning seminars "Ukrainian-Polish relations", "Transformation of the Ukrainian Economy" have won immense prestige and have been marked by a vast international representation. In 1998 166 teachers made scientific reports at 52 conferences in more than 40 cities of Ukraine and abroad, including Paris, Prague, Warsaw etc. Two specialized Counsels for the defense of Candidate theses function successfully at the University: Solid State Physics and physical culture and sport. More than ten professors, doctors of sciences are members of specialized Counsels in other institutions of higher learning, experts of Higher Certifying Commission and of State Certifying Commission. One of the priority trends of the development of Science and Technique in Ukraine is "New substances and their Technology". In this respect the results of long-term investigation carried out in the laboratory of Physical-Chemical Basis of Materiology headed be the rector of the University prof. I.D. Olekseyuk.

    Many fundamental investigation in various priority trends of scientific activity in the field of natural sciences, the humanities, psychopedagogical and socio-economic sciences are being carried out at the university. For about ten years scholars of the University have been taken an active part in the scientific groundation of ways and trends of implementation of the national programme of liquidation of Chernobyl catastrophe consequences. Research workers of the Institute of Health and Physical Training and the Biology faculty learn the peculiarities of psyco-phisiological and physical development of children living within the radiative territory, work out practical recommendations for optimal motional regimes and physical loadings on human body under such conditions. Since 1998 the State budget theme "Medicobiologic aspects of Chornobyl Catastrophe consequences for different groups and categories of Volyn population" has been worked out by common efforts of the leading scholars of the University, doctors of medical and sanitary-and-hygienic institutions of the region, the regional rehabilitation centre "Chornobyl", scientific centre of radiative medicine of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine and Ternopil Medical Academy.

    The level of the university collaborators information securing has considerable been improved lately. The university computer network of international system "Internet" works at the university. All the faculties and other subdivisions of the university are embraced by this computer-information centre. The lack of information is also liquidated by the Press centre, socio-psycological Service, scientific-analytical department. In fact, all the faculties and subdivisions of the university supplied with modern personal computers (more than 300 units), copying equipment (printers, Xeroxes). The stock of the library has 603 thousands of copies. The pride of the university library is the department of rare and diaspora books.

    There are some scientific schools at the university headed by professors L.S. Gitik, I.D. Olekseyuk, A.B. Svidzinsky, L.K. Olyander, V.L. Udalov, R.A. Artsishevsky, L.R. Kalapusha, V.D. Lagutin, V.P. Kolesnyk and others.

    The main research trends are:
    I. Health protection.
    II. The problems of statesystem development.
    III. New substances and materials.
    IV. The problems of a new content and methods of teaching and education.

    At the disposal of students and collaborators of the university there is a sporting-recreation camp "Hart", which is situated on the bank of the Svityaz within the territory of Shatsk natural national park.

    There is the dispensary at the university where annually about 700 students improve their health. This complex includes the canteen, which seats 100 persons, a stadium. At present a rehabilitating centre is being created on the basis of this dispensary, which will be used not only for improving health, but also for research work and teaching in speciality "physical rehabilitation".

    In the dispensary the dentists phisiotherapeutical surgeries work, besides manual therapeutics and water-cure treatment are offered. There is the university students' health centre and dentist surgery which are supplied with necessary facilities and equipment. Every student and collaborator of the university can receive necessary medical aid.

    For purpose of health improvement a sport complex is used and the swimming pool is hired.

    The authorities and the trade union committee of the university do their best to create excellent conditions for education, accommodation, recreation and rest for the students and collaborators.

    Gymnasiums, stadiums, reading-halls and the library are at the disposal of every student and collaborator of the university.

    The improvement of living and working conditions and recreation of the members of the university is in the focus of constant attention of the university authorities.

    Volyn State University trains specialists due to qualifying degrees: Bachelor's degree, Specialist's and Master's degree. Magistracy is opened at the university which trains Masters in those specialities, which were licensed and accredited according to the fourth level:
    1. 8.080101 Mathematics
    2. 8.070501 Geography
    3. 8.070402 Biology
    4. 8.070301 Chemistry
    5. 8.070101 Physics
    6. 8.030502 Language and Literature (the language being pointed out)
    7. 8.030501 The Ukrainian Language and Literature
    8. 8.030301 History
    9. 8.010201 Physical Training
    10. 8.010104 Primary Education
    11. 8.030505 Applied Linguistics
    12. 8.040201 Sociology
    13. 8.010101 Preschool Education

    According to the license series VPD-IV ?039133 the university trains specialists in 19 branches of learning in 29 specialities (professions).

    Prominent scientific publications accredited to academic staff

    1.I.Olekseyuk and others. Quasitriplex Chalogenic System.
    The monograph is dedicated to the study of phrasal equilibrium in quasitreble systems A2I X - C2IIIX3 - DIVX2, BIIX - C2IIIX3 - DIVX2, A2IX - BIIX - C2IIIX3, A2IX - BIIX - DIVX2, where AI - Cu, Ag; BII - Zn, Cd, Hg; CIII - Ga, In; DIV - Si, Ge, Sn; X - S, Se, Te and in quasidual systems which they form. In above mentioned systems a great number of ternary and tetrarny intermediate stages and wide fields of tough solutions have been found. Their crystal- and physico-chemical characteristics have been given. For the systems there have been made polythermal and isothermal cuttinigs off, projections of the surfaces of the liquidus, spatial diagrams of the state (condition) which will become the basis for the choice of methods chemicotechnological conditions of synthesis, of growing crystals, of getting glasslike and composite materials for semiconducting technical equipment, non-linear optics, acoustico-optics and for other branches.
    The work is intended for specialists in chemistry, physics, technology of semiconducting materials, scientific workers, teachers, students and post-graduate students who specialize in learning inorganic chemistry, physics of the solid and semiconducting materials.

    2. A. Svidzinsky. Mathematical Methods of Theoretical Physics.
    The proposed course of mathematical methods of theoretical physics is considerably modernized in comparison with the traditional one. Yet it hasn't become too abstract but aimed at practical needs of the physicists doing their theoretical research first of all in the field of quantum theory of multiparticle systems. A great number of exercises given in the book enables the student to develop the necessary habits and technique.
    The book is meant for teachers, students and scientific workers.

    3. L.K. Olyander, L.B. Bubleynik, M.M. Kucherepa. Our Beautiful Nation. In 2 volumes.
    The book includes works of home and foreign scientists working field of literature, language, art, history and education. Political and social problems of Volyn region during the interwar and war periods of 1918-1945 are elucidated.
    The publication is intelligible for everybody who is interested in the history of Ukraine.

    4. A.T. Yevtukh. Mortgage: Theory and Practice.
    The book deals with theoretical and practical problems of the integral hypothecary system and its individual components.
    For the first time on the territory of the countries with postsocialist economy a piece of work is proposed in which the problem of hypothecary crediting for transitional economy is taken up systematically and in detail.
    The book deals with conceptual apparatus of mortgage, questions connected with the history of formation and modern experience of hypothecary crediting, estimation of deposit security and analysis of investing decisions.
    Concrete recommendations for banks and financial-building enterprises according to the principals and procedure of different kinds of hypothecary crediting organization have been proposed.
    The edition is created for wide circle of specialists of state enterprises, dealing with
    financial-credit politics, banking, financial-investing companies, for people managing the immovables. At the same time the materials of the book are aimed at scientific work. The edition is well-structured, that gives the possibility of its usage as a textbook for preparation of highly-qualified staff for banks, hypothecary business in financial-economic higher learning institutions.

    5. Kratko M., Kikets M., Meinarovich Y. and others. English-Ukrainian Dictionary of Programming and Mathematics.

    The dictionary is intended for specialists in the field of programming and mathematics and others who use computing techniques or mathematical methods in their activities, applying at the same time to English language literature on these questions. It will be useful for students, schoolchildren and all others who study mathematics, programming and computing techniques.

    6. Moklytsya M. Modernism in the Creative Work of Writers of the XX century. Part I. Ukrainian Literature.
    This textbook works of a number of Ukrainian writers of the XX century have been examined for the first time from the point of view of manifestation of typological features of modernism. It is modernism as an art methods that has been analyzed, not the other distinctive features of the writers. The regional authorical theory of modernism has been applied.
    It is recommended for students of higher educational establishments and teachers of schools providing general education.

    7. Moklytsya M. Modernism in the Creative Work of Writers of the XX century. Part II. Foreign Literature.
    This textbook works of a number of writers of the XX century have been examined for the first time from the point of view of manifestation of typological features of modernism. It is modernism as an art methods that has been analyzed, not the other distinctive features of the writers. The regional authorical theory of modernism has been applied.
    It is recommended for students of higher educational establishments and teachers of schools providing general education.

    8. J.Horot', T.Kukharuk, O.Vasylenko, L.Malimon. Practical Morphology of the English Verb.
    This textbook deals with the main morphological categories of the English Verb. Theoretical material is consolidated by the system of exercises.
    This textbook is recommended for the first- and second-year students of foreign languages departments of higher educational establishments.

    9. S.Zaniuk. Psychology of motivations and emotions.
    This textbook reveals main theories and principles of psychology of motivations and emotions taking into account the latest achievements of modern science. Methods of psychological correction of emotional disharmony and motivational trainings are given in this book.

    10. L.Gittik, S.Shvayko, V.Bened'. The Development of the Physiology of a Man and Animals in Ukraine.
    The main trends of the development of a man and animals physiology in Ukraine are stated in the book. The authors give the information about the formation of the physiological ideas and their interconnections, history of the scientific schools, some materials about the life and activity of the prominent scientists. It is recommended for biological and psychological students of the universities, Medical and Physical Culture Institutes.

    11. I.O. Smolyuk. Pedagogical Technologies and Socio-Individual Aspect Investigations.
    The Monograph deals with the history aspects of Pedagogical technologies development, peculiarities of the humanistic education of the personality, didactic problems of the information technologies usage in the professional training of specialists, principles of the development of the content, structure and functions of pedagogical technologies.
    It is recommended for the teachers of the higher educational establishments, researchers, post-graduate students, university and pedagogical institutes students.

    12. Euroregion "Bugh". Foreign-economic activity of the Volyn socioterrytorial complex. (edited by B.P. Klimchuk, P.V. Lutsyshyn)
    The Monograph analyses the essence of foreign-economic activity and the development of transboarder co-operation of the administrative region, functional-component and functional-territorial structures, problems and perspectives of development of the Volyn socio-territorial complex foreign-economic activity.
    It is recommended for the teachers and post-graduated students, specialists of economic, scientific-research and designing organization. It can be used by the students of international law and affairs, geographers, economists, schools providing general education teachers and by those who are interested in foreign-economic activity.

    13. O. Rysak. The first is Music in the World.
    The Monograph deals with the problems of Art synthesis in the creativity of the prominent writers of the frontier period such as Lesya Ukrainka, M. Kotsyubynsky, O. Kobylyanska, M. Voroniy, O. Oles, B. Lepky, M. Yatskov, V. Vinnichenko, Marko Cheremshyna. The great attention is paid to the realization of the aesthetic space mastering processes owing to the verbal modeling of the non-verbal Arts.
    It is recommended for the teachers of the universities, school teachers of language and literature, post-graduated students and students.

    14. V. Zaychuk. Youth Economic Education and the Investigation of the Socium on the Personalities.
    The monograph deals with the economic-pedagogical aspects of the socium influence upon the youth; peculiarities of the social education of the personality, didactic problems of economic foundation usage in the market conditions, principles of the development of content, structure, functions of the economic education.
    It is recommended for the university teachers, scientific workers, post-graduate students, higher educational institutions students, school managers.

    15. World-Wide Economy: Political-Economical Problems. Manual. Edited by Doc. Of Economic Sciences Prof. V.D. Lagutin.
    This manual is the fourth and final part of the unified systematized course of political economy. It was created by the group of teachers of the Lesya Ukrainka Volyn State University Economy Department.
    The manual deals with the modern theoretical and methodological problems of world economic system development. Special attention is paid to the contents of international economic relation. The authors made a wide use of the facts about integration of independent Ukraine into the world's economy. The manual is recommended for students and teachers of economic theory.

    16. Slavyuk R. A. Finances of Enterprises.
    The textbook touches upon the question of organization of financial work at the enterprises, optimization of money flow and insuring of pay capability and financial stability of enterprises development and their taxation. Mechanism of formation of financial resources of enterprise, the order of their usage and supply planning, the procedure of analysis making of enterprises financial state has been re revealed. Tests for self-control have been added to theoretical material. The given textbook is for students of economic specialities of higher educational establishment and post-graduate students.

    17. Role of Finance - Credit System in the Stimulating of Economy Growth in Ukraine. Collection of Scientific Works.
    This collection deals with modern problems of finance-credit system reforming in Ukraine, mechanisms of financial instruments and stimuli influences on national production development, proposals and recommendations concerning the realization of financial and monetary and credit politics. This collection is recommended for research workers, teachers and students of higher educational establishment and workers of finance-credit system institutions.

    18. Lenartovych O. Peasantry of Western Ukraine in the national-liberation struggle in 1944 - 1950.
    The monograph runs the questions of Western-Ukrainian peasantry participation in the national peasantry participation in the national-liberation struggle of Ukrainian people, social-political condition, armed struggle of OUN - UUA against germanic-fascist occupationists, enforceable forms of resistance to totalitarian regime, repressions of Soviet Power as to peasantry in the period of 1944- 1950.
    It is recommended for students and teachers of the History faculties, history teachers, students of local lore, history and economy.

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