The European Education Directory

State Technical University

Rector Professor Boris I. Mokin
Address 95 Khmelnitske shosse,
Vinnytsia, 286021, Ukraine
Tel. No. +380 (0432) 325718
Fax No. +380 (0432) 465772
E-mail address
  • Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Mechanics
  • Faculty of Transport, Triboengineering and Machine Manufacturing
  • Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering
  • Faculty of Automatics and Computer Control systems
  • Faculty of Radio Electronics
  • Faculty of Civil Engineering and its Engineering and Economic Provision
  • Faculty of Fundamental and Economic Training
  • Faculty of Training and Production Integration and Specialists; Retraining
  • Faculty of Physical Training
  • Preparatory Courses for Institute of Higher Education
  • Faculty of Skills: Upgrading
  • Faculty of Skills: Upgrading and Specialists: Retraining for Leading Specialists and Specialists of National Economy
  • Faculty of Specialists: Upgrading for Managers and Specialists of Ministry of Power
  • Faculty of Skills: Upgrading for Workers of Computer Centres in Educational Institutions of Ministry of Education of Ukraine
  • Type of courses Full-time training and correspondence courses.
    Length of courses
  • Bachelor's training - 5 years.
  • Master's training - 1 year and 2 months after 4 years of training and defence of Bachelor's Work.
  • Specialist's training - 1 year after Bachelor's training and defence of Bachelor's Work.
  • Date of commencement
  • Bachelor's degree - in June
  • Specialist's degree - in July
  • Master's degree - in October
  • Class size Class size for Practical work - 25 Students.
    Lectures are read for 50 - 100 Students.
    Class size for Laboratory works - 12- 13 Students.
    Accommodation All students are provided with hostels.
    Fees Training on budget places- Free of charge
    Training at the own costs for Ukrainian citizens - 1800 hryvnias
    Training at the own costs for foreign citizens - $1200.
    Financial assistance No students grants
    Admission requirements Availability of Certificate of complete secondary education.
    University entrants from Ukraine will pass complex test on mathematics and physics.
    Foreign students study in accordance with contract system of training.

    Language requirements:
    Ukrainian students must have good command of Ukrainian language.
    Foreign students should know either Ukrainian or Russian Language.
    To master these languages there is the preparatory department with the term of study up to 9 months.
    Contact for application Name of contact person - Yuriy Lukjanenko
    Address -95 Khmelnitske shosse, Vinnytsia, 286021, UKRAINE
    Telephone 380 (0432) 447678
    Fax 380 (0432) 465772

    Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering and Electrical Mechanics

    Dean - Prof. Mykola Sviridov

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Electric Power Stations and Systems.
    Department of Theoretical Basis of Electrical Engineering and Power Supply.
    Department of Electromechanical Systems of Automatics.
    Department of studies of Ukraine.
    Department of Computer Centre.

    Faculty of Transport, Triboengineering and Machine Manufacturing

    Dean - Prof. Yuriy Burennikov

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Technology and Automatization of Machine Manufacturing.
    Department of Metal - Cutting Machine Tools and Equipment of Automated Manufacturers.
    Department of Automobiles and Automobile Economy.
    Department of Strength of Materials.
    Department of Technology of Wear Resistance Increase.
    Department of Philosophy.
    Computer Centre.

    Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering

    Dean - Prof. Olexiy Azarov

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Computer Facilities.
    Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Systems.
    Department of Sociology, Social and Political Relations and Law; Intellectual systems.
    Department of Design of Computer Facilities.
    Computer Centre.
    Scientific and Educational Computer Centre of Prospective Informational Technologies.

    Faculty of Automatics and Computer Control systems

    Dean - Prof. Anatoliy Vasyra

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Computer Control Systems.
    Department of Automatics and Informational and Measuring Instruments.
    Department of Metrology and Automatics Devices.
    Computer Centre.

    Faculty of Radio Electronics

    Dean - Prof. Vasyl Kichak

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Radio Engineering.
    Department of Microelectronics, Office Mechanisation Facilities and Communication.
    Department of Designing of Radio Electronic and Biomedical Instrumentation.
    Department of Chemistry and Ecological Safety.
    Department of Sociology, Social and Political Relations and Political Economy.
    Computer Centre.

    Faculty of Civil Engineering and its Engineering and Economic Provision

    Dean - Prof. Georgiy Ratushniak

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Heat Power Engineering and Gas Supply.
    Department of Constructional Mechanics and Construction Structures.
    Department of Technology of Construction Production.
    Department of Drawing and Architecture.
    Department of Management of Organisations.
    Department of Labour Protection, Safety of Vital Functioning and Law Studies.
    Computer Centre.

    Faculty of Fundamental and Economic Training

    Dean - Prof. Volodymir Karpenko

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Training and Production Integration.
    Scientific and Production Centre.
    Department of Organisational and Methodical Work.
    Informational and Analytical Department.
    Centre of Stuff Retraining.

    Faculty of Training and Production Integration and Specialists Retraining

    Dean - Prof. Anatoliy Hraban

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of High Mathematics.
    Department of Physics.
    Department of Management and Simulation in Economy.
    Department of Foreign Language and Technical Translation.
    Department of Economy of Industry and Production Organisation.

    Deans Office for Foreign Students

    Dean - Prof. Volodymir Nahul

    The faculty unites the following department:

    Preparatory Courses for Institute of Higher Education for Foreign Citizens.

    Center of Cultural Work and Students Upbringing

    Scientific supervisor - Prof. Tamara Bouyalska

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Department of Cultural Work, Art, Design.
    Club, Art Museum.
    F. Konovalyl Memorial.

    Faculty of physical Training

    Dean - Prof. Olexander Taranuha

    The faculty unites the following department:

    Department of Physical Training.

    Preparatory Courses for Institute of Higher Education

    Dean - Prof. Volodymir Duchal

    The faculty unites the following departments:

    Preparatory Department.
    Preparatory Courses.

    Faculties of Skills Upgrading:

    Faculty of Skills Upgrading and Specialists Retraining for Leading Specialists and Specialists of National Economy;

    Faculty of Specialists Upgrading for Managers and Specialists of Ministry of Power;

    Faculty of Skills Upgrading for Workers of Computer Centres in Educational Institutions of Ministry of Education of Ukraine

    About the Academy

    Vinnytsia State Technical University (VSTU) VSTU was founded as a general-technical faculty of the Kyiv Institute of Food Industry Engineers in 1960.

    In 1964 it was passed to the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute and reorganised into Vinnytsia subsidiary of the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute.

    In 1974 it was separated to become the Vinnytsia Polytechnic Institute.

    In 1994 after a half-year inspection on the part of the Ministry of Education it was credited to the 4th (highest) level and become Vinnytsia State Technical University.

    Structurally VSTU is made up of 7 faculties (Information Technologies and Computer Engineering; Automatics and Computer Control Systems; Radioelectronics; Power Engineering and Electrical Mechanics; Fundamental and Economic Training; Transport, Pinion-Engineering and Machine Building; Civil Engineering and its Economic Provision) with the full-time and extra-mural forms of studies each; general-university Faculty of Training and Production Integration; 3 Post-Graduation faculties; Department of Master Training Co-ordination; Post-Graduation and Doctor Courses; Centre of Culture Studies and Students Upbringing; The Deans Office for Foreign Students; Preparatory Courses with 1-year term of studies.

    5.000 students study as full-time students; 1.000 students v as correspondence students; 100 study at the Post-Graduate and Doctor Courses; 1.000 study at the Preparatory Courses.

    37 departments are responsible for the teaching process at VSTU. 450 of the teaching staff work at these departments, including 35 Doctors of Science and 320 Candidates of Science; 1 academician (rector) of the State Academy of Sciences and 20 academicians of the public Academies in various spheres of science, and also 5 professors, who were awarded with an honourable title " A man of Science" (2 in Science and Technology, 1 in the problems of the Higher Education, 2 in the sphere of National Education.)

    VSTU is the only institution in Ukraine and NIS, at which, starting from 1991, the academic year is made up of a trimester scheme, where two semesters are for higher education studies and is for practical. The peculiarity of the teaching semesters lies the fact that immediately at the first year of studies all students are taught to get working professions corresponding to their future engineering qualifications, next years students work at the enterprises upgrading their professional qualification; practical semesters are controlled and managed by the Department of Training and Production Integration, which has its representatives in all industrial cities in Ukraine.

    Training at VSTU, which was credited by the highest in Ukraine 4th level, is executed according to the scheme: " Bachelor v Engineer v Master " and according to the curricula which integrate best features of national and Canadian systems of higher education loaned from the universities of Toronto, Hamilton, Waterloo. In 1997 Canadian University Association recognised our diplomas as adequate to the ones.

    The peculiarity of studies at VSTU is also in the following: after the students have completed a four-year wide-profile program in the Bachelorship of, only those are admitted for the Mastership, who received diplomas with honour and displayed the ability to researches.
    The rest of the Bachelorship graduates are admitted to a special 1-year Engineer training program. VSTU offers 26 such programs and 49 specialisation within these programs.
    The Mastership graduates are admitted to the Post-Graduate Courses if they have passed their Master exams, defended the Masters Thesis, passed the State Exam in the foreign language and are credited in the humanities subjects cycle with excellent marks, and have had at least one serious publication in a scientific magazine of collection or have received a patent for an invention.

    At VSTU students of some Economic, Power Engineering and Transport programs study foreign languages (English or German) at the level of a technical translator specialisation and after a year of studies they are able to work in the foreign representations abroad.

    University buildings occupy 25 hectares in the city, the sporting-recreation university camp covers other 20 hectares at a distance of 100 km from Vinnytsia. Students of VSTU who are good sportsmen and study at various faculties have the opportunity to follow the other program alongside with their main one, namely, Management in Physical Training and Sport. The peculiarity of the teaching process and time-table at VSTU gives to the students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd years to meet with famous writers, musicians, artists, cinema and theatre actors, politicians and clergymen, artistic groups and collectives and other interesting personalities once in a fortnight during the so-called "Hours of Meetings". This promotes to the creation of an atmosphere of the cultural attitude towards general humanity values. The university publishes its chronicle "Impulse". Each year every first Tuesday in October VSTU celebrated its holiday v the University Day, in a form of scientific-cultural and "one-gets-to-known-the-other" show during one day from morning till night. In 1995-96 a powerful regional information computer communication centre was created at VSTU. With its help not only VSTU staff but more than a dozen of commercial institutions are able to enter INTERNET. All expenses for the function provision of this centre are covered by the university on the extra-budget account. Post-Graduate Courses in 19 programs, specialised counsels for Candidate and Doctor thesis defence in Computer Engineering, Automatics, Radioengineering, Power Engineering, Information-Measuring Engineering, Material Studies and Machine Building function at VSTU. A scientific journal is published.

    VSTU is the only constant representative from Ukraine in IFIA with its headquarters in Geneva. Every year VSTU scientists are awarded with several medals for their inventions at the exhibitions organised by IFIA in Iasi (Romania), Budapest (Hungary), Sofia (Bulgaria), Brussels (Belgium), Geneva (Switzerland) and Pittsburgh (USA). Particularly, in 1996-97 academic year VSTU scientists received one gold, one silver and one bronze medals for three inventions at the exhibition in Iasi, one gold and one silver medals at the exhibition in Sofia, one gold medal at the exhibition in Brussels and one bronze medal at the exhibition in Pittsburgh.

    VSTU was the only educational institution in Ukraine whose scientists represented the country with their scientific reports at XIII IMEKO Congress in Torino (Italy) in 1994. This congress gathers once in three years the most famous scientists in field of measurement and information-measuring technology. In 1997 scientists from VSTU again represented their country at XIV IMEKO Congress in Tampere (Finland), this time VSTU was one of three Ukrainian institutions which sent their representatives to the congress.

    VSTU trains specialists with higher education at the Master and Ph.D. level for 69 countries in Africa, Asia, South and Central America.

    For the achievements in 1996, independent experts (212 representatives of all regional and big industrial cities in Ukraine) together with International Staff Academy, which is a non-governmental expert organisation, granted our university with the rating which allowed to enter the number of 20 best institutions of Ukraine. Note: there are 180 state-budgeted institutions of the 3rd and 4th levels of eccreditations 120 non state-budgeted institution of Ukraine, the rating of each of these 300 institutions was being determined and compared by the International Staff Academy.
    From 54 state institutions of technical and technological profiles only such giants as National Technical University "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute", Kharkiv Air-Building Institute, Kyiv International Institute of Civil Aviation and State University "Lvivska Polytechnika" have the rating higher than VSTU has. The rest of technical and non-state institutions have the much lower rating.

    In 1990-94 VSTU rector Boris Mokin combined the duties of the rector and the Deputy of the Supreme Rada, the head of the subcommission for the higher education. In 1995 rector B.Mokin was distinguished as a "Man of Achievement" from Ukraine and was displayed in the biographical collection "Men of Achievement" (XVII edition), which is published by the International Biographical Centre in Cambridge, UK Rector B.Mokin is the scientific leader of the first and for the present time the only national automatic gas expenses counter in the industrial enterprises, which has passed all state tests and registered to the State Record and patented in Ukraine and Russia.

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