The European Education Directory

Harper Adams University College
School of Management


Address Newport, Shropshire TF10 8NB
Tel. No. +44(0)1952 820280
Fax No. +44(0)1952 814783
  • Agriculture Courses
  • Agri-Food Marketing and Business Studies
  • Agricultural Engineering
  • Land Management
  • Rural Environment Protection
  • Food Technology
  • Golf Course Management
  • Animal Care
  • The Foundation Course


    About the University

    Harper Adams University College is Britain's largest and best known Centre of Higher Education for food and land-based industries. In a recent inspection of the teaching provision, by the Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency, the University College was awarded a score of 23 out of a maximum 24.This is the top score gained by any institution in the subject area.

    Researh and Consultancy also play an important part in the academic life of the institution. Harper Adams has the highest research rating from the university sector of institutions specialising in agriculture and researchers undertake over a million pounds of industry-funded work a year. Academic staff are also involved in consultancy work in the UK and overseas, even into China.They also supervise individual students' research Ph.D.s.

    Any award from Harper Adams will carry with it national and international credibility and will place the recipient in a strong position for future employment. Again, Government statistics commend Harper Adams and show that it commands a high position in the employment record of graduates which is only behind the medical schools but ahead of all other universities.


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