The European Education Directory

Rostov State Institute
of Architecture

Address 39 Budennovskiy Prospect
Rostov-on-Don 344082, Russia
Tel. No. +(7) 8632-66-81-31, +(7) 8632-39-09-32
Fax No. +(7) 8632-66-81-31
E-mail address
Degree courses/specialties
  • Architecture
  • Fashion Design
  • Arts and Crafts
  • Type of course Architecture:
    Bachelor of Architecture Cycle-4.5 years
    Specialist Cycle - 1.5 years
    Master of Architecture Cycle - 2.5 years.
    Bachelor of Art Cycle - 4 years
    Spesialist Sycle - 2 years
    Management in Social Sphere
    Specialist Cycle - 5 years
    Fashion Design- 5 years
    Date of commencement Bachelor`s Degree - September/February
    Master`s Degree and Specialist Qualification - June.
    Accommodation Students live in the hostels or rent flats
    Fees Foreign citizens pay 1500-2000 US $ a year, for citizens of Russia education is free of charge
    Financial assistance Advanced Russian students receive grants
    Admission requirements Fluency in the Russian Language. (Training preparatory course in Russian is available)
    Student profile
  • Ratio of National / Overseas students: 20:1
  • Ratio of Men / Women: 4:5
  • Age range: 17-25 years
  • Contact for application Ludmila Spiridonova, Yelena Bezruchko

    About the Institute

    The Rostov State Institute of Architecture is a state educational institution of federal subordination. It was established in 1988 on the basis of the Faculty of Architecture of the Rostov Civil Engineering Institute. This institute introduced architecture in 1944 and trained engineers-architects. These specialists took part in the reconstruction of the cities and towns of the South Russia after World War II. Within this period of time about 5,000 architects were trained. They work now in all parts of Russia and abroad - in European, Near Eastern, African and Asian countries. The Russian graduates are the heads of Architectural and Urban Development Committees of the cities and towns of Russia, the directors of research institutes, the teachers of higher schools. Among them are the state and regional prize winners.

    Since the first days of its foundation the institute began to develop architectural and Artistic education (professional guidance) in secondary schools. The additional disciplines - History of Art, the Fundamentals of Architectural and Artistic Composition, Painting, Drawing are studied in special classes side by side with general subjects. The special curriculums for schools have been worked out by the scientists of the institute.

    In 1994 the Rostov State Institute of Architecture introduced new specialties for the training of artists: Design (Graphic Design, Superscript, Design of Objects, Advertising) Arts and Crafts, Fashion Design.

    As a rule, students diploma and course projects are made by the orders of city authorities and considered to be the real projects.

    Every year International competitions of diploma projects take place in Russia. 75-90 per cent of submitted by the institute works receive the certificates of the first degree and prizes.

    The highly skilled specialists of the institute trained would-be architects and artists.

    About 70 per cent of teachers of professional chairs have academic degrees and statuses, there are a corresponding member of the Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences, the counselors of this Academy, the academicians of the Quality and Ecology Problems Academy, practicing architects and designers, members of the Russia Architects, Artists, Designers Unions.

    A great attention is paid to research work and creativity. 7 textbooks have been compiled and published by the scientists of the institute. The Ministry of Education of Russia recommended to use them in the educational system of the country.

    The main trends of the institute's scientific activity are the study of the regional problems of Dwelling Architecture, the Problem of Urban Development of the Northern Caucasus Region, History of Architecture and Art, Informatization of Architectural Education, Informatization of Projection and Design, the technologies of the Usage of Raw Materials in Arts and Crafts, Management in Architectural Projection and Design.

    The Rostov State Institute of Architecture is an associative member of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Building Sciences. The South Branch of this Academy was set up on the basis of the institute. Scientific regional and all-Russian conferences often take place here.

    The institute `s Information Technologies Centre is equipped with up-to-date computer facilities. Students are taught to work in the system of Computer Aided Design.

    The Rostov State Institute of Architecture has a leading position in the creation of new technologies in architectural and engineering education .It is also the main participant of the regional Programme "Don", it takes part in all-Russian programme "Architecture and Construction", "New Technologies in Education", "The Peoples of Russia", "Amateur and Folk Culture".

    The institute has its own library, the library of the Rostov Building University, the Architects's Union Library, the Don Public Library and the Gorky City library are at students' disposal.

    The main features of educational process of the institute are the substantial training in Computer Aided Design , the artistic training (the course of Fine Arts is 4 years long ) and thorough professional training . Students make two course projects a term, these are the projects of individual , tenement, residential houses , the projects of the house with catering ,the projects of public and industrial buildings, the project on Urban Development.

    Rostov -on-Don is situated in the South of Russia. It is one of the largest industrial and agricultural centre of the country. Rostov is often called the gates of the Northern Caucasus . The institute is in the centre of the city.

    The training in the institute is carried out according to the two-level system. Field of study : Architecture - the 1st level - Bachelor of Architecture, (4,5 years), 3 final state examinations are taken; the defense of the diploma thesis. the 2nd level - A) Specialist architect, Specialist - Designer (1,5 years.), the defense of the diploma thesis. B) Master of Architecture (5 years), the defense of the Master s thesis. Field of study : Art - the 1st level -Bachelor of Art, (4 years), 3 final State examinations are taken, the defense of the diploma thesis. The 2nd level - Specialist - Artist -Designer; Specialist -Artist (Interior and Equipment); Specialist - Artist(Arts and Crafts)(2 years), the defense of the diploma thesis. One-level system: Specialist-Manager in Social Sphere(5 years), the defense of the diploma thesis; Specialist in Fashion Design (5 years), the defense of the diploma thesis.

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