The European Education Directory

First Faculty of Medicine
Charles University Prague

Dean Doc.MUDr. Stepan Svacina, CSc.
Address Katerinska 32, Prague 2, 121 08, Czech Republic
Tel No. +420 2 2496 4237
Fax No. +420 2 2491 5413
E-mail address
Departments Science and Research-pedagogical Workplaces of the Faculty
Institute of Anatomy
Institute of Biology and Department of Medical Genetics
Institute of Biophysics
Institute of General Medicine
Institute of Histology and Embryology
Institute for History of Medicine and Foreign Languages
Institute of Humanitarian Studies in Medicine
Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology
1st Institute of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
2nd Institute of Medical Chemistry and Biochemistry
Institute of Pathological Physiology
Institute of Pharmacology
Institute of Physical Education
Institute of Physiology
Institute of Social Medicine and Public Health
Institute of Theory and Practice of Nursing
Laboratory for Gene Expression

Science and Research-pedagogical Clinical Workplaces of the Faculty
Department of Anaesthesiology and Resuscitation
Department of Clinical Biochemistry
1st Medical Department - Clinical Department of Haematology and Nephrology
2nd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Cardiology and Angiology
3rd Medical Department - Clinical Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism
4th Medical Department - Clinical Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Department of Dermatology
Department of Geriatrics
Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics
Department of Medicine at Strahov
Department of Neurology
Department of Occupational Diseases
Department of Oncology
Department of Ophthalmology
Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine
Department of Phoniatrics
Department of Psychiatry
Department of Radiodiagnostics
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
Department of Stomatology
1st Surgical Department - Clinical Department of Abdominal, Thoracic Surgery and Traumatology
2nd Department - Clinical Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
1st Department of Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
Department of Urology
Institute of Immunology and Microbiology
Institute of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
Institute of Inherited Metabolic Disorders
Institute of Nuclear Medicine
Institute of Pathology
Institute of Sports Medicine
Institute of Sexology
Research Institute of Stomatology

In the Teaching Hospital Motol
3rd Surgical Department
Department of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Department of Orthopaedics
In the Central Military Hospital Prague
Department of Neurosurgery
In the Teaching Hospital of the Faculty Na Bulovce
Department of Gynaecology and Obserics
3rd Department of Infectious and Tropical Diseases
Department of Orthopaedics
Department of Plastic Surgery
Department of Radiodiagnostics
Department of Surgery
Institute of Radiation Oncology

In the Thomayer Teaching Hospital of the Faculty
Department of Paediatrics
Department of Surgery
Department of Pneumology of the First Faculty of Medicine
Department of Rheumatology of the First Faculty of Medicine

Science and Information Workplaces of the Faculty
Institute of Scientific Information
Type of programme Full time
Length of programmes 6-year-programme (medicine, stomatology/ dentistry)
3-year bachelor's programme (nursing, ergotherapy, sanitary technology and health education).
Date of commencement 30 September
Class size 25-30 students
Accommodation Available in the Halls of Residence but not guaranteed by the Faculty.
Fees Free for Czech-taught courses, however entrance examination in Czech required
10 500 USD per year for English-taught courses or
12 000 EUR per year for English-taught courses
Student grants/
Financial assistance
No financial assistance is available by the Faculty itself except of scholarships provided by the government of the Czech Republic and scholarships given by cultural agreement of the Czech government with the governments of other countries.
Admission requirements Admission requirements (Language fluency required etc.)
For the Czech-taught courses fluency in Czech is required. Written entrance examinations in chemistry, physics and biology are run in Czech.
For English-taught courses fluency in English and an interview, High-school diploma or international baccalaureate or British A-levels are required. Written entrance examinations are taken in English from college chemistry, physics and biology.
Ratio of National /
Overseas students
2522 (321undergraduates, 1940 graduates, 261 PhD students ) / 419 (209 graduates studying in Czech, 164 graduates studying in English, 46 PhD students).
Ratio of Men /
959 / 1563 (Czech students)
268 / 151 (foreign students)
Age range The age of admission of Czech students to the undergraduate and graduate courses is 18-19 years. There is no formal limitation as to the age, however students over 30 are admitted only exceptionally.
Contact for application Address: Students Affairs Department
Katerinska 32, 121 08 Praha 2, Czech Republic
Tel: +420 2 9615 1242
Fax: +420 2 2491 5413

About the 1st Faculty of Medicine


Doc.MUDr. Stepan Svacina, CSc.

Contact details

phone: +420 2 961 51 111
Fax: +420 2 249 154 13


Academic Senate
Academic Club
Association of Medical Students


teaching staff: 507 (44 professors, 122 associate professors, 341 assistant professors)
other employees: 492
research workers: 36

Majoring in

general medicine, stomatology, bachelor degrees, PhD programmes

Basic academic disciplines

Our curricula in general medicine or dental medicine last 6 years and are finished with the degree MUDr. - "Medicinae Universae Doctor" (M.D.)/ Doctor of General Medicine. The degree is recognised in most countries for a limited registration, but the student should ask the authorities or professional bodies in his/her country for information about the conditions for a full registration and recognition of the degree required to practice medicine in his/her country.

About Charles University and the 1st Faculty of Medicine

The First Faculty of Medicine has been a part of Charles University in Prague since its foundation, in 1348, by the Bohemian King and Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Charles the Fourth.

In the Middle Ages, the language of teaching at Charles University was Latin, later, during the Austrian Monarchy, it was German, and since 1833 the students have been taught in Czech. In 1992 teaching of medicine in English has been opened as a programme parallel to the Czech-taught courses.

The academic staff participates in research projects at national and international levels, e.g.: TEMPUS-PHARE, ERASMUS-SOCRATES and CEEPUS. 129 members of academic staff are members of editorial boards of domestic scientific journals and 103 members of the staff are members of editorial boards of international journals. In average over 30 members of academic staff obtain awards of the Ministry of Health and Czech Medical Society for their scientific work a year.

The Faculty has both scientific and educational connections with many medical faculties and research institutions throughout Europe and overseas, such as University of Bern, University of Frankfurt, University of Birmingham (UK), University of Birmingham (USA), Harvard Medical School (USA), Columbia University (New York), University of Uppsala, University of Coimbra, University of Padua, University of Helsinki, University of Oslo, University of Munich, University of Utrecht, European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg.

The 1st Faculty of Medicine has its own Central Faculty Library, which belongs to the Institute of Scientific Information of the Faculty. The Library contains almost half a million volumes of scientific literature and 350 scientific periodicals, including 237 foreign periodicals.
The Faculty has its own LAN network, which is connected with the Prague Academic and Scientific Network and via this network the Faculty is connected to the main scientific and research network in Czech Republic (TEN - 34 CZ). This enables all users the access to the international information space (Internet and other webs to databases like Current Contents Databases and Medline Databases).

Research programmes

The research has been funded mostly by grants provided by the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, the Ministry of Health Grant Agency and Grant Agencies of the Ministry of Education and of Charles University (see web pages of the Faculty).

Strategic goals of scientific research include following topics:

* Neuroscience
* Investigations of Angiologic Diseases and their Prevention
* Technologic Basis for Studying Physiologic and Pathologic Processes at the Molecular Level
* Molecular Biology and Genetic and Epigenetic Aspects of Tumours and their Treatment
* New Technology and Methods in Diagnosis and Treatment
* Oral Health - Diagnostics, Therapy and Prevention
* Goals of Medicine: Structure and Prospectives of Health-Care
* Computer Simulation of Biomedical Systems

Practical teaching is performed in three Faculty Hospitals:

* General Faculty Hospital, Charles Square
number of departments: 34
number of beds: 1980

* Faculty Hospital Motol
number of departments: 3
number of beds: 307

* Department of Infectious Diseases is located at Faculty Hospital Bulovka
number of beds: 40

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