The European Education Directory

University of Varna

Rector Prof. Dr. Ovid Farhi, MSc (Engineering)
Address 1 Studentska str., Varna 9010, BULGARIA
Tel. No. +359 52 302444
Fax No. +359 52 302771
E-mail address
Faculties Electrical Engineering
Computer Science and Automation
Mechanical Engineering & Technologies
Marine Sciences & Ecology
Colleges & Departments Foreign Languages
Dobrudja College of Technology (Agriculture) – City of Dobrich
College at the Technical University of Varna
Type of courses Full-time: Full-time: Specialists (colleges), BSc, MSc, PhD, Preparatory course
Extra-mural: BSc, MSc, PhD
Length of courses Full-time: Preparatory 1 year, BSc 4 years, MSc 1,5 years after BSc, PhD 3 years after MSc
Extra-mural: BSc 5 years, MSc 1,5 years after BSc, PhD 4 years after MSc
Date of commencement All programmes commence on the 15th September
Application deadline for foreign students – 20 th September
Class size Classes vary between 10 and 20 students
Accommodation All foreign students are offered accommodation at the university's hostels
Financial assistance No grants for foreign students are available
Financial assistance available for Bulgarian citizens only
Top recruiters of graduates
of this University
Graduates of the TUV hold key positions in Government agencies, local and central administration, major local companies, distinguished international companies (DuPont, Nokia, American Standard, Bulgarian Telecommunication Company, etc.)
Exchange Partner Schools Currently TUV has cooperation and exchange agreements with over 30 foreign universities and higher education institutions in Europe, Asia, North America.
Admission requirements No entry exams for foreign students required; courses are taught either in Bulgarian or in English, language proficiency in Bulgarian/English is to be achieved through Preparatory courses.
Direct access to all degrees available for foreign candidates, provided they meet entry requirements for the desired level.
Required documents from international students
(Preparatory course only)
1. Filled-in Application form;
2. Copy of applicant's Secondary School Certificate, translated in English/Bulgarian and certified (legalized) by the Bulgarian Consulate/Embassy in the respective country;
3. Copy of the Diploma's supplement /marks from high-school/, translated in English/Bulgarian and certified (legalized) by the Bulgarian Consulate/Embassy in the respective country;
4. A certificate issued by applicant's high-school where to be stated that the applicant has the right to continue his/her education in any university in his/her country translated in English/Bulgarian and certified (legalized) by the Bulgarian Consulate/Embassy in applicant's country;
5. Medical Certificate translated in English/Bulgarian and certified (legalized) by the Bulgarian Consulate/Embassy in the respective country. It should be issued at latest a month before applying for the enrollment;
6. A letter from applicant's parents where they state they will meet all applicant's expenses during his/her stay in Bulgaria, translated in English/Bulgarian and certified (legalized) by the Bulgarian Consulate/Embassy in applicant's country;
7. Six small photographs;
8. A copy of applicant's passport (the page with candidate's full name, written down in Latin, date and place of birth).
Minimum requirements for Applicants The average note in specific courses taught at the Secondary School (maths, physics, history etc.) should not be less than 62% (100% equals the maximum note in the appropriate country's system of marking).
Applying for visas, type D International students send their documents to the TU of Varna address.
Applicants will get back a Certificate, issued by the Bulgarian Ministry of Education, certifying his/her enrollment in TU-Varna.
Applicants may then apply for getting a D type of visa at the appropriate Bulgarian consulate.
Fees are to be paid onsite afterwards.
Contact for application Prof. Dr. Velko Naumov
Studentska Str 1, Varna 9010, BULGARIA
University Centre for Foreign Students and Marketing
Tel.:+359 52 303 090 or 383 331 Fax: +359 52 302 771

Faculties and Colleges

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Assoc.Prof. PhD. Mariya Ivanova Marinova
1 Studentska str., 9010 Varna
Faculty of Electrical Engineering
Tel. +359 52 383 648
Fax: +359 52 383 527

44 lecturers of which 30 with PhD and 3 DSc degrees (incl. 3 Professors and 21 Associate professors)

Electric power engineering
Electric power supply and equipment
Electrical engineering and electrical technologies
Theoretical and measurement electric engineering

Degree courses:
Electric power engineering and equipment (BSc, MSc, PhD)
Electrical engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD)

Fields of research and study
Design, building and research of power and transformer stations
Design, building and research of power networks and systems
Computer analysis and management of power systems
High voltage equipment and safety techniques
Electrical technologies
Renewable energy sources
Ship power systems and equipment
Microprocessor monitoring, control, and management of industrial power systems
Design, research and optimization of illuminating systems
Power equipment for transport and ships

Faculty of Computer Science and Automation

Prof. Dr. Peter Tsvetanov Antonov
1 Studentska str., 9010 Varna
Faculty of Computing and Automation
Tel. +359 52 302 450 or 383 320
Fax: +359 52 302 771

74 lecturers of which 39 with PhD degree (incl. 23 Associate professors)

Computer Science and Engineering
Automation of manufacturing

Degree courses
Computer systems and technologies (BSc, MSC, PhD)
Automation, information and control equipment (Specialist, BSc, MSc, PhD)

Fields of research and study
Technologies for programming
Networks, Internet and net applications
Databases and information systems
Multimedia products and applications
Computer systems for banks
Parallel computing
Algorithms and computer application in adaptive control
Specialized microprocessor systems
Development of modern technical automation equipment
Computer and microprocessor systems for control of discrete and continuous processes
Control of electromechanical systems on the basis of neuron networks
Automated systems for non-traditional energy sources (wind, solar, sea waves)
Research in applied mathematics and numerical methods
Research of operations

Faculty of Electronics

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Jordan Nikolov Kolev
1, Studentska str., 9010 Varna
Faculty of Electronics
Tel. +359 52 302 759, +359 52 383 619
Fax : +359 52 302-759,

56 lecturers, of which 34 with PhD degree ( incl. 25 Assoc. Professors)

Electronic equipment and microelectronics
Communication engineering
Social and law sciences

Science Degrees in:
“Electronics” /BSc, MSc, PhD/
“Communication engineering and technologies” /BSc, MSc, PhD/
“Social management” /BSc, MSc/

Fields of science and study:
Microwave and microstrip antennas
Radio-relay systems and equipment
Microwave electrodynamics and optoelectronics
Digital signal processing in communications
Radars and radionavigation systems
Hydroacoustic systems
Video and audio engineering, Television engineering
High-speed digital communication systems
Embedded systems
Electronic equipment for medical applications
Electronic appliances for measurement and control
Power electronics
Analog and digital IC design
Telecommunication networks;
Optical networks and systems;
Teletraffic systems and networks;
Switching channels and packet switching;
Virtual private networks;
Mobile communication networks
Data communications
Security systems
History of social affair;
History and theory of the state and law;
Social psychology;
Organizational psychology;
Social policy;
Social legislation;
Sociology; Philosophy;
Criminal law;
International law;
Civil law

Faculty of Shipbuilding

Assos. Prof. Eng. Nikola Ivanov Petrov, PhD
1 Studentska str., 9010 Varna
Faculty of Shipbuilding
Tel. +359 52 383 428
Fax +359 52 302 771

46 lecturers of which 36 with PhD and DSc degrees (incl. 3 Professors and 29 Associate Professors)

Naval Architecture and Shipbuilding
Marine Machinery and Plants
Thermal Engineering and Control
Technical Mechanics

Degree courses
Naval architecture and marine machinery (BSc, MSc, PhD)
Ship machinery and plants (BSc+MSc, PhD)
Thermal engineering (BSc, MSc, PhD)
Diagnostics of machines equipment (MSc)

Fields of research and study
Diagnosis of vibrations and reduction of noise level
Reconstruction and modernization of steam turbines
Research of tension and deformed state and verification of pipelines and pressure vessels
Diagnosis of ship engines and machinery
Basis of transport logistics at sea
Development of software products for automated ship design
Research of anchored equipment
Research of seaworthiness
Strength of hull of and ship architecture
Power consumption and optimization
Research of energy effectiveness and non-traditional energy sources
New technologies for thermal treatment and creation of new materials

Faculty of Marine Sciences and Ecology

Assosc.Prof. PhD. Anastas Stefanov Krushev
1 Studentska str.,
9010 Varna
Faculty of Marine Sciences and Ecology
Tel. +359 52 302764, 383509
Fax +359 52 302771

48 lecturers of which 22 with PhD degree (incl. 2 Professors and 19 Assoc. Professors)

Ecology and Environmental Protection
Navigation, Transport Management and Waterways Preservation
Economics and management

Degree courses
Navigation (MSc + PhD)
Fleet and Ports Operations(BSc, MSc, PhD)
Ecology and Equipment for Environmental Protection (BSc, MSc, PhD)
Industrial Management (BSc, MSc)

Fields of research and study
Sip Management and Shiphandling
Ecology, economics and natural environment study of the Black Sea region
Ecological monitoring of Black Sea
Ecological problems of artificial and natural fertilization
Research in industrial management
Innovations, technological restructuring and improved logistics
Quality of life and sustainable development
Risk analysis and decision-making.

Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technologies

Prof. Dr. Angel Yordanov Dimitrov
1 Studentska str.,
9010 Varna
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Technologies
Tel. +359 52 383 221 or 302 461
Fax: +359 52 302 771

50 lecturers of which 22 with PhD and DSc degrees (incl. 2 Professors and 20 Assoc. Professors)

Machine elements
Materials' studies and technology of metals
Technology of machine engineering and metal cutting machines
Automotive Engineering and Technologies

Degree courses
Mechanical Engineering and Equipment (Specialist, BSc, MSc, PhD)
Engineering Design (BSc, MSc, PhD)

Fields of research and study
Creation of new materials and technologies
New welding and metal recovering technologies
Special technologies for formation and cast of alloys
Research and testing of materials' features
Special technologies for metals' cold processing
Dynamic studies of technical systems
Processing of new materials
Research of physical structure and processes in mechanical processing
Engineering graphics and technical documenting
Mechanical transfer mechanisms and clutches Ergonomics and industrial design
Emissions Characteristics of Internal Combustion Engines (ICE)
Working process of ICE
Gas and Bio Fuels for ICE
Automobile Automatic Transmissions
Diagnostics of ICE and Vehicles
Noise and Vibrations of ICE and Vehicles

Department of Foreign Languages

Dr. Milena Alexandrova Paliy
1 Studentska str.,
9010 Varna
Department of Foreign Languages
Phone: +359 52 383 661;
Fax: +359 52 385 710

15 full-time lecturers and 30 part-time lecturers of which 4 with PhD degree and 3 Associate Professors.

No internal subdivision

Preparatory Bulgarian language course (no educational degree granted)
Preparatory English language course (no educational degree granted)
General and Specialized English, German, French and Bulgarian language courses
Academic Skills for lecturers (part of the training programme)
Technical English language courses

Fields of study
General and special skills language training (all full time and extramural students)
Introductory training for Bulgarian language skills (new students)
Re-training on marine English language

Dobrudja College of Technology (Agriculture)

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Eng. Radko Mihaylov
12 Dobrotitsa complex,
Dobrudja College of Technology
Tel. +359 58 602 252, +359 58 604 712
Fax. +359 58 605 498

12 lecturers of which 3 with PhD degrees

No chairs or departments

Degree courses
Agricultural Machinery and Technologies (Professional Bachelor)
Automation, Information and Control Equipment (Professional Bachelor)
Machine Engineering Equipment and Technologies (Professional Bachelor)
Electronics (Professional Bachelor)

* Graduates of the college may continue further their study at the university following a special curriculum to obtain MSc degree in the same professional direction.

Fields of research and study
Fields of research at the college are: agricultural machinery and technologies, automation and electronics; basic training disciplines fall in line with the appropriate disciplines of the university specialties with reduced training content

College at the Technical University of Varna

Assoc.Prof. PhD. Dimiter Nedeltchev
1 Studentska str.,
9010 Varna
College at the TUV
Tel.: +359 52 303 671; +359 52 303 681

11 lecturers of which 2 with PhD degrees (incl. 2 Assoc. Professors)

No chairs or departments

Degree courses
Chemical Technologies (Specialist)
Transport Machinery and Technologies (Specialist)
Machines' Engineering and Equipment (Specialist)
Automation, information and control equipment (Specialist)

* Graduates of the college can continue further their study at the university following a special shortened curriculum to obtain BSc degree

Fields of research and study
No research done at the college, basic training disciplines fall in line with the appropriate disciplines of the university specialties with reduced training content

About Technical University of Varna

The Technical University of Varna has been founded in 1962 as Higher Institute of Machine and Electrical Engineering. It has been renamed to Technical University of Varna in 1995 with a decision of the National Assembly. Presently it is the second largest technical university in Bulgaria and has a status of a state university. In 2001 the TUV received a certificate for quality of academic training ISO9001 by Bureau Veritas Quality International. In 2003 the institution was reviewed by the European University Association and found to be in very good compliance with the general educational practices in Europe.Training is provided by 358 lecturers of which 11 professors, 151 associate professors and 196 assistant professors. 219 lecturers have PhD degree, 10 of these have a Doctor of Science degree. The university enrolls almost 250 PhD students for the moment.

For its over 40 years history TUV developed fully comprehensive and highly sophisticated laboratory base for servicing the training process. The campus is located on a 20 hectares plot of ground and premises comprise of over 6 hectares of covered space including special laboratory and production building, three major lecture buildings, special R&D facilities, extensive library, 24 hour Internet club, covered and open sports facilities, canteen, 3 restaurants, two cafes, students' discotheque. In close proximity to the main premises are the three blocks of students' hostels accommodating over 1600 students. The latter have own catering facilities. The parking places can accommodate over 400 cars. The university is located some 3 km from the central part of the city and approximately 2 km from downtown. There is a regular public transport reaching both its location and the hostels. The university's grounds face an excellent view to the seashore, which is 1,5 km away.

The laboratory and training facilities incorporate unique high voltage laboratory, special cast and metal analyses departments, certified LINUX and Microsoft laboratories, internal combustion engines laboratory, communications R&D laboratory, welding and underwater welding laboratory, university computing center, two state-of-the-art navigation training simulators, licensed radio and TV stations. Special LINUX and Microsoft academies operate at the university. TUV has its Hi-Tech Park with Hi-Tech Business Incubator, which is registered as an independent legal body. Some 60% of the research work done is going through this facility. The institution works in close cooperation with many universities and R&D institutions in the country and abroad.

The University is located within the boundaries of the City of Varna (370 000 population), which has a history of over 3000 years and still retains traces of one of the oldest civilized human settlements in Europe. The town has an excellent access by land, sea and air and has the largest commercial and passenger ports s in Bulgaria. In close proximity to it (8 to 30 km) are several distinguished Black Sea resorts – St. Constantine and Hellene, Golden sands and Albena. These offer plenty of recreation and entertainment opportunities all year around.

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