The European Education Directory

Belarusian State University
of Informatics and Radioelectronics


Address 6 Brovka Street, BY-220013 Minsk, Belarus
Tel. No. +375 17 231 09 14, +375 17 232 51 56
Fax No. +375 17 231 09 14
E-mail address
Web address
Rector Professor Mikhail P. Batura
Faculties & Institutes Faculty of Computer-aided Design
Faculty of Information Technologies and Control
Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics
Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks
Faculty of Telecommunication
Faculty of Economics & Engineering
Military Faculty
Faculty of Correspondence, Evening and Distance education
Institute of Information Technologies, ITT
(Institute of advanced and conversion training of management and specialists in information technologies and radioelectronics)
Degrees awarded Engineer; Master of science; PhD; Doctor of science
Type of course Full-time; evening; distance; correspondence
Length of programmes Full-time programmes: 5 years
Date of commencement September, 1
Fees Foreign students: USD 1300 to 1500 per year
Admission requirements See below
Student profile National/Foreign Students: 11000/200
Contact for application Vice-rector, Prof., Dr.Sc. Alexander Kuznetsov
Head of International Department, Anna Titovich

About the University

The Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics (BSUIR) was founded in March 15, 1964. In the national system of education of the Republic of Belarus BSUIR plays a leading role in preparation of the engineering and scientific staff in the field of computer science, radioelectronics and telecommunications.

Today BSUIR is a large scientific and educational center in Belarus.

It has highly qualified staff, considerable scientific and methodological potential, advanced laboratory and informational infrastructure, all necessary conditions to organize teaching and educational process, scientific research, proper organization of labour, everyday life and leisure time of personnel and students.

Over 44 000 engineers, 745 PhD's and 70 doctors of science, successfully working in the most science-intensive fields of economy, graduated from the University. The University employs 4 academicians and corresponding members of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, 54 doctors of science, 313 PhD's, 55 professors, 243 senior lecturers. About 11 thousand students are mastering 26 specialities, and about 200 out of them are foreign students.

The University incorporates 9 faculties, the Institute of Information Technologies; Research and Development Centres; Master, and Post-graduate (Doctorate) Courses.

The courses in the University are offered in Belarusian and Russian. It is planned to organize training in English on the speciality “Computers, systems and networks”. Courses begin from September, 1. The duration of courses is 5 years. The cost of training is 1300 - 1500 USD per year and depends on the faculty.

The University campus and its two halls of residence are located in Minsk downtown. Accommodation of students in the hall of residence is 2-3 persons in each room. The cost of 1 place is about 17 USD per month.

Students are provided with all necessary aids and reading material for study. They are encouraged to use the University library and its rich books fund, including over 1 million textbooks, monographs, and works of world belles-lettres.

The University has beautiful sport facilities. Sports-complex includes a swimming pool, a gymnasium and various play grounds. The use of sport facilities (besides training studies) is on a compensation basis.

Principal Research of the University

Nowadays 55 research and scientific laboratories and research groups are working in the University, including the Center of “Nanoelectronics and novel materials”.

They conduct investigations in the following areas:

- Radioengineering devices and systems;
- Information processing and data transmission systems;
- Advanced information technologies and control systems;
- Micro- and nanoelectronics;
- Advanced prospective materials, energy- and resource-saving technologies;
- Certification, diagnosis and testing of elements, devices and systems;
- Methods of modelling and optimization in radioelectronic systems and devices;
- Information and training technologies in education;
- Beam technologies and engineering.

Admission Requirements for Foreign Students

High schools of the Republic of Belarus admit foreign citizens, having the background education corresponding to the level of general secondary education in Belarus. Besides, higher schools admit individuals having the Bachelor degree to Master courses. Higher schools and research institutes admit as post-graduate-students those foreign citizens who have got a higher education on the level of Master of sciences and experience of work in their speciality. Foreign students having a higher education on the level of Master of Sciences and having a command of the language of instruction can be assigned to high schools as applicants for the Doctoral studies (Ph.D.), and those who have a Ph.D. degree may pursue a Doctor of Science degree (D.Sc.) in order to prepare a thesis on one's own or under the guidance of a scientific advisor.

The distribution by University of the invitation on training is carried out on the basis of:

- Copy of the document about education with the indication of the studied subjects and received examination grades certified notarially;
- Copy of a valid passport.

Applications in all levels of education are submitted at least 2 months prior to the commencement date by post or by fax. All papers must be in one of these languages: Belarusian, Russian, or English.

On arrival to Belarus the candidate shall submit to the University in the Belarusian, Russian, or English languages the following documents:

  • Application indicating the chosen specialty;
  • Certificate (document) of education, indicating the studied subjects and received examination grades;
  • The medical certificate given by an official public health service in the native country of the candidate;
  • AIDS test certificate given by an official of public health service of the country of arrival of the candidate;
  • Copy of the birth certificate certified notarially;
  • 6 photos 4 х 6 cm.
Foreign citizens shall be admitted to the University on completion of obligatory medical examination (on a compensation basis) in medical establishment in the place of study to acknowledge absence of contra-indications to study in Belarus. The cost of primary medical examination is 50 USD. Above all, students must pass annual medical examination (30 USD per year). All foreign students must pass medical examination in 10-day period after each their return to Belarus from abroad (30 USD in each case).

The health services of the accepted foreign citizens are offered on a compensation basis. Additionally foreign citizens are required to have the contract of obligatory medical insurance (85 USD per year). On its basis they will receive medical help in emergency cases.

Obligatory conditions to be admitted are: a valid passport with Belarusian visa, obligatory medical insurance.

The presence of all above-mentioned preconditions gives the basis to conclude the contract on training between the University and the Student (or Firm), in which the term of training, the volume of payment for training, the condition of residing in a hostel and other services offered by the University, as well as rights and duties of the student are stipulated.

Foreign students having no command of the language of instruction are admitted to a Preparatory Department of the University for one year study. There they study the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Graduation examinations are held at the Preparatory Department at the end of academic year. Successful students get Graduation Certificates from the Preparatory Department and are admitted to the basic course in the chosen speciality. Foreign students who fail to graduate from the Preparatory Department are dismissed from the University and bound to leave Belarus.



Preparatory Department

Course duration: 9 months

Date of commencement: October, 1

Cost of training: 900 USD

Courses: Russian or Belarusian, Physics and Mathematics

Faculty of Computer-Aided Design

Cost of training:
1300 USD per year

- Design and manufacture of radioelectronics devices;

- Modelling and computer-aided design of radioelectronics devices;

- Electronic and optic engineering;

- Medical electronics;

- Technical ensuring of security;

- Electronic computing devices

Faculty of Information Technologies and Control

Cost of training:
1500 USD per year

- Information processing computer systems;

- Computer-aided control in technical systems;

- Artificial intelligence;

- Information technologies and control in engineering systems;

Faculty of Radioengineering and Electronics

Cost of training:
1300 USD per year

- Radioengineering;

- Radioelectronic systems;

- Radioinformatics;

- Micro and nanoelectronics technologies and systems;

- Quantum information systems

Faculty of Computer Systems and Networks

Cost of training:
1500 USD per year

- Information technologies software;

- Computers, systems and networks;

- Informatics (Information technologies of financial systems);

Faculty of Telecommunication

Cost of training:
1300 USD per year

- Multi-channel telecommunication systems;

- Systems of wireless communication, broadcasting and television;

- Telecommunication networks;

- Metrology, standartization and certification in informatics, radioelectronics and communication

Faculty of Economics

and Engineering

Cost of training:
1300 USD per year

- Economics and organization of production;

- Economics and organization of manufacture;

- Marketing;

- Information systems and technologies in economics

Military Faculty

The cost of training is agreed by the contract

- Multichannel telecommunication systems

Faculty of Correspondence, Evening and Distance Education

Correspondence education

Cost of training:
650 USD - 750 USD per year

- Radioengineering;

- Design and manufacture of radioelectronic devices;

- Modelling and computer-aided design;

- Medical electronics;

- Economics and organization of enterprise;

- Technical ensuring of security;

- Information technologies and control in engineering systems;

- Microelectronics;

- Computers, systems and networks;

- Multichannel systems of telecommunication;

- Telecommunication networks

Distance education

Cost of full-time program - 5000 USD

- Information systems and technologies in economics;

- Software for information technologies;

- Information technologies and control in engineering systems;

- Informatics;

- Computer systems of processing information;

- Artificial intelligence;

- Marketing

Evening education

Cost of training:
- 900 USD per year

- Radioengineering;

- Computer-aided engineering systems;

- Design and manufacture of radioelectronic devices;

- Information technology and control in engineering systems;

- Computers, systems and networks;

- Telecommunication networks

Institute of Information Technologies, ITT

(Institute of advanced and conversion training of management
and specialists in information technologies and radioelectronics)

Course prise is determined by its duration (from 3 months to 2 years)

Courses: full-time; evening; correspondence

Final-year students study according to the intensive curriculum that is based on their previous background

- Software for information technologies;

- Сomputers and networks;

- Computer-aided design and modelling of radioelectronics devices

Conversation Training of Specialists

Corse duration: 1 - 3 years

Software for information technologies;

Economics and management of enterprise

Advanced Training

Offered in all specialities of information technology

For students of different levels: from beginners to high-qualification specialists

Master Courses

Duration of study: 1 year

Commencement date:

October, 1

Cost of training: 1600 - 3000 USD per year

- Economics and Management of Enterprise

- Marketing

- Computer Science

- Radiophysics

- Electronic and Optic Engineering

- Technical Ensuring of Security

- Radioengineering

- Radioelectronics Systems

- Modelling and Computer-aided Design of Radioelectronics Devices

- Design and Manufacture of Radioelectronic Devices

- Medical Electronics

- Information Technologies Software

- Computers, Systems and Networks

- Electronic Computing Devices

- Artificial Intelligence

- Microelectronics

- Multichannel Telecommunication Systems

Systems of a Wireless Communication, Broadcasting and TV

- Telecommunication Networks

- Information Processing Computer Systems

- Computer-aided Control in Technical Systems

Doctorate Courses

(Ph.D. degtree)

Course duration: 3 years

Commencement date: November, 1

Cost of training:
2000 - 3000 USD per year

Post-graduate Courses (Ph.D. degtree)

Physics and Mathematics-oriented Sciences

- Radio physics;

- Physical electronics;

- Optics;

- Solid-state physics

Engineering Sciences

- Theoretical electrical engineering;

- Radio-measuring devices;

- Radiotechnics, including devices and systems of radionavigation, radar and broadcasting systems;

- Antennas, microwave devices and technologies;

- Systems, networks and telecommunication devices;

- System analysis, control and processing of information;

- Elements and devices of the computer and controlling systems;

- Automation and control of technological process and production;

- Software for computers, computer complexes, systems and networks;

- CAD-systems;

- Calculating machines and systems;

- Theoretical foundations of informatics;

- Mathematical modelling, numerical methods and program complexes;

- Labour safety;

- Safety in emergency;

- Solid-state electronics, radioelectronic components, micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum effect devises;

- Technology and equipment for production of semiconductor instruments and electronic devices.

Economics Sciences

- Economics and management of national economy;

- Mathematical and instrumental methods of economics

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