The European Education Directory

State Economic University

Rector Professor Roman Karseko
Address 26 Partizansky prospekt, 220070 Minsk
Republic of Belarus
Tel. No. (+375 172)303512 or 491107
Fax No. (+375 172)491107
E-mail address shavruk@bseu.
Faculties & Colleges
  • Higher School of Business Management
  • Higher School of Tourism (HST)
  • Department of Banking
  • Department of Law
  • Department of International Economic Relations
  • Department of Economy and Trade Management
  • Department of Account and Statistics
  • Economic Accounting Department
  • Department of Management
  • Department of Finance and Economy
  • Department of Marketing
  • Type of courses Full-time and part-time
    Length of courses 5 academic years
    Date of commencement 1st September
    Class size 20-30 students
    Accommodation Available in the University campus
    Fees For overseas students 1500-1700 USD per year
    Financial assistance Only for national residents
    Admission requirements For national residents: certificate on complete secondary education and entrance exams.
    For foreign citizens: certificate on complete secondary education and interview.
    Foreign students who do not speak Russian or Belorussian are to enter one-year preparatory department where they study Russian and profile subjects and then enter the full-time course.
    Student profile
  • Ratio of national/overseas students: 15000/100 at present, but changing every year.
  • Ratio of men/women: 50/50%
  • Age range: 18-30
  • Contact for application Dr.Sergey Shavruk
    Deputy Rector

    Mr.Alexander Povalyaev
    Head of International Relations Department

    Departments, Faculties & Colleges

    Higher School of Business Management

    The School is a center of post-graduate education. Students get a "second" higher education in the sphere of management, banking, finance, marketing, accounting, economic low. This ensures integration of technical and economic knowledge and high competence of specialists.

    The School provides:
  • profound training for specialists for qualification improvement and training auditors;
  • training masters of economy;
  • providing business seminars;
  • organization of business contacts with foreign firms;
  • audit, consulting services and service of intermediary;
  • creation and adaptation of software for education including imitation and automation of enterprise performance models.

  • International Association of Knowledge and Business Assistance supports co-operation and development of business links with national and foreign educational institutions in the sphere of retraining and improving qualification operates within the School.

    Higher School of Business Management has its representatives in Minsk Finance College and Pinsk Credit College.

    Higher School of Tourism (HST)

    The School trains specialists in speciality "Economy and Management of Social-Cultural Sphere", "Tourism Management", "The Economy of the Hotel and Restaurant Management".

    Provides retraining of the specialists holding diplomas on higher education.

    HST organises business seminars and meetings with representatives of foreign tourist companies, conducts short/long-term courses for qualification improvement, including internships in foreign firms, provides intermediary and consulting services.

    The graduates of HST are able to cope with complex economic-managerial problems of tourism system. Foreign language skills enable them to set contacts with representatives of foreign tourist companies and make effective managerial decisions. They occupy leading positions in the Bodies of tourism management and tourist companies.

    Rich database of unique historical data has been formed in HST, which made it possible to work out a range of interesting thematic excursion route.

    Department of Banking

    The Department trains specialists in banking, mainly in credit, accounting, analysis and audit in banks.

    The Department has permanent stable multilateral links with the banks of Belarus. There has been formed a laboratory for banking training where students can master modern technologies of banking in the University Branch of JSB "Belarusbank".

    Functioning of the National Banking Centre for Banking Education was initialized by the joint efforts of the Department, Higher School of Business Management and the colleagues from abroad.

    Graduates of the Department obtain profound knowledge of monetary regulation and finance management, which enables them to operate effectively as in banking system, so in other financial and credit institutions and make them highly demanded by private and state enterprises.

    Department of Law

    Founded in 1997 on the basis of the largest in Belarus Chair of Economic Law which has been operating in the University since 1953.

    The Department trains students in "International Business and Law" and in "Economic Law".

    Specialists are trained basing on modern knowledge in the sphere of law and market economy in contact with economic entities of Belarus.

    Methodical auditorium of the Department has a database of legal acts ruling in Belarus and CIS.

    Graduates of the Department are able to perform complex multilevel economic and legislative analysis of enterprises and organisations of all forms of ownership, to solve current problems, disagreements and conflicts.

    Department of Law has published textbooks on civil law and on international business law. These books are the only editions in law in the Republic.

    Department of International Economic Relations

    The Department trains specialists in "International Economy and International Business" (speciality - "International Business Administration").

    The most qualified professors and associate professors from Belarus and other countries conduct their courses at the Department.

    Various meetings are organised regularly and contacts are set with the Embassies of the USA, France, Great Britain, Germany and other states, as well as with the representatives of IMF, World Bank and other international organisations.

    Having mastered two foreign languages and obtaining high-level training in the sphere of economy the students win grants at various competitions for continuing education and internships abroad.

    Graduates of the Department know the principles of analysis, are able to construct management models and to use them in practice, easily adapt to changes in professional activities.

    They successfully work in the Ministry of International Economic Relations, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, International firms, joint ventures and offices of International companies and banks.

    Department of Economy and Trade Management

    The Department provides training in speciality of «Commerce activity» with specializations: «Commerce activity in the commodity market», «Commerce activity in the food services market», «Commerce activity in the international market», «Commerce and mechantdise activity of food products», «Commerce and mechantdise activity of commodities».

    The professional training is oriented for providing a profound knowledge of methods and models of economic analysis of the enterprises activity, the knowledge of goods as objects of the commerce activities and the skills to work with the deliverers in the market environment as well as to make economic calculations to ground and forecast the administrative decisions.

    The Department graduates work successfully as the enterprise and organisation administrators, economists and managers, mechantdisers in the sphere of home and international commerce.

    The Department has a «Consult-trade center» which provides retraining of specialists for commerce, holds seminars on the commerce problems, gives consulting services

    Department of Account and Statistics

    The Department provides training of specialists in book-keeping account, analysis and audit in industry, construction, state research institutions and statistics.

    The Department is working out the drafts of legal acts in accounting and audit, the system of National accounts of the Republic of Belarus, coordinates the activity of the Association of Accountants.

    The professional training at the Department is organized with the help of modern computer programming in the book-keeping labs.

    The Department graduates are able to organise the economy-accounting work, to provide a complex analysis of the activity and finance of different economic units and to make competent decisions. They are able to work as the leaders and heads of the accounting and finance services, managers and economists.

    Economic Accounting Department

    The Department provides training in speciality of «Book-keeping account, analysis and audit» with specialisations: «Account, analysis and audit in commerce», «Account, analysis and audit in agricultural complex», «Account, analysis and audit in international economic activity».

    The Department provides both the complete and short courses of training depending on the level of the secondary education.

    The Department graduates receive profound theoretical and practical knowledge of accounting, analysis and audit organisation at the enterprises of all forms of ownership with application of the computer equipment and international standards. The graduates are able to adapt quickly to the needs of industry, to organise and manage the accounting and finance services of the enterprises and organisations, to provide the revision and audit of economic activities, to work as accounting and finance managers.

    At the Department there works the Accounting Center which provides retraining of specialists, holds seminars on the problems of accounting and audit, gives consulting services.

    Department of Management

    The Department provides training of specialists in different specialities and specialisations : «State and public management», «Economy and management of industrial enterprises», «Economy and management of agricultural complex», «Economic cybernetics».

    Training of specialists is made on the basis of the world experience of the economy management and the advanced methods and models of economic forecast.

    The students' research units actively work at the Department. The students worked out the role game «Delta» for the enterprise management which won in the competition of Heintz Nicksford Foundation and Moscow Educational Centre «Informational Systems» among the Russian Federation educational establishments.

    The Department graduates are well-trained for analytical, administrative and practical work in all branches and spheres of economy.

    Department of Finance and Economy

    The Department provides training in speciality of «Finance and credit», specialisations : «Finance», «Insurance», «Finance and credit in International economic activities».

    The students pass the complete or (the graduates of Minsk Finance College) the short course of education according to the curriculum.

    The Department has close relations with the Ministry of Finance and finance departments of the enterprises and organisations for training and retraining the specialists, providing the joint scientific research and working out the drafts of the laws. This provides high level of professional knowledge of the graduates and a good opportunity for them to work in all branches of financial and tax bodies, banking system, financial and insurance companies, economic services of the enterprises and organisation of all forms of ownership.

    Department of Marketing

    The Department was founded in 1997 as a separate unit of the University for training specialists for the important branch of economy.

    The Department provides training in speciality of «Marketing», specialisation: « Supply and sales management».

    The students receive a profound training in marketing theory, modern methods of marketing research and forecast. They study logistics, retailing, advertising, the system of demand and production sales stimulation, the pricing policy of the enterprises.

    The Department graduates are capable to work out strategies of the enterprise development, to define their future, to apply practically the efficient instruments of marketing. They work successfully in marketing services, the supply and sales units of the enterprises and organisations, special marketing firms, commerce and advertising agencies, at raw material stock markets, wholesale companies and specialised supermarkets, international enterprises and offices.

    The Centre of marketing research was founded at the Department.

    About the University

    Belarus State Economic University is one of the biggest higher educational institutions in Belarus, training specialists in the sphere of business administration, economy and law.

    Founded in 1933 BSEU has prepared more than 60 thousand specialists working in branches of economy in Belarus and abroad.

    BSEU was awarded the status of the leading higher educational institution in Belarus. About 15 thousand students and post-graduates study in the University.

    BSEU is an educational and scientific organisation with a developed infrastructure: 10 Departments, Higher School of Business Management, Higher School of Tourism, the Department in Bobruisk, Accounting Centre, Consulting Commerce Centre, 35 chairs, scientific labs, publishing complex, campus, trade complex and other units.

    Educational process and research is carried out by 700 lecturers and tutors. More than 60% of them hold the scientific degrees and honours.

    The faculty of BSEU is constantly working on improving its activities aimed at attainment of high-level education. New profiles and specialities are being introduced, curriculum is being renewed, technical appliances are being improved.

    The main aim we try to achieve is to provide fundamental training and creative approach to teaching, to create conditions for the development of students' individual aptitudes. Great care is taken over the development of interdisciplinary courses and the creative work, wide use of active forms of education and effective methods of performance control.

    BSEU provides multilevel education of specialists and researchers in the field of economy for all spheres of national economy and different types of enterprises/ organisations.

    BSEU keeps in contact with authorities, various organisations and enterprises, educational and scientific research institutions, that assists to get a vivid scope of economy development process, enriches the educational process with the current information, provides the exchange of experience, to carries out the research on actual problems of economic development.

    Students Life

    The University has good facilities for living, leisure, sports development.

    23 amateur bodies perform on the basis of the students' club. These recreation units several times became prize-winners of the famous international competitions and festivals and performed abroad. Two amateur groups hold a respective «Peoples» honour. The University teachers singing groups the «Red Carnation» and the «Elegy» are widely popular.

    The University students humour team acts successfully at international and republican festivals and games.

    The University sportsmen achievements are also well-known in Belarus. Such sports as rhythmic gymnastics, aerobics, swimming, wrestling, tennis, volley-ball, basketball, football, chess are very popular.

    The University volley-ball, basketball, tennis, swimming, wrestling and chess teams were prize-winners of different students' tournaments.

    Famous sportsmen , World and Olympic champions such as V.Pesnyak (wrestling), E.Altshul (chess), S.Borovsky (football), V.Romanovsky (boat-racing) studied in BSEU.

    The University Campus with six hostels provides residence for 3500 students.

    The hostels are kept in good conditions, the living rooms are well-furnished and equipped, there are rooms for studies, leisure, libraries.

    The University has its commerce complex with canteens, cafes and shops.

    Near Viliya water basin there is a resort base for the faculty and the students of BSEU.

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